A Personalised & Holistic Service Dedicated to Supporting Caregivers of Neurodivergent Family Members

Welcome to AutSupport

We are so glad you have found us!

We are a place of empathy, understanding, and support for families and caregivers on unique journeys of caring for autistic loved ones.

At AutSupport, we are dedicated to providing a range of services that are tailored to the diverse needs of families. We seek to help empower those that we work with, foster connections, and support networks between families.

Here at AutSupport, we have a lived experience of the challenges that can come with supporting autistic family members. From the rollercoaster of emotions and daily practical hurdles to the sensory sensitivities, changes in family dynamics and the lack of time for self-care for ourselves as carers – we understand. And we care. 

Our mission is to provide a safe space for parents and carers to  find a source of coaching and support as they navigate this journey. Our goal is to transform lives by fostering a sense of strength, resilience and wellbeing within individuals and across our community.

Take a look at our coaching and mentoring services and how we can support you and your family, and reach out to us today!

Our Services

Tailored 1:1 coaching to build strength, resilience and wellbeing

Connection building & mentoring for neurodivergent youth via gaming

AutCoach is our flagship 1:1 programme that offers tailored, donation based, coaching and support for parents and caregivers of autistic individuals.

To help families gain the support they need, the AutCoach model is based on a unique ‘pay-what-you-can’, or ‘what-you-feel-it’s-worth’, basis.

Coaching empowers you to overcome obstacles and enhance your overall well-being so you can handle daily challenges head-on.

Begin by scheduling a free Discovery Call with Iain, our Transformation Coach, to identify your needs and set goals. We understand each journey is unique, so we provide personalised sessions to meet your needs. Iain provides a tailored sessions that focus on growth and building resilience and well-being in a nurturing environment.

Our coaching fosters positive transformations, supporting you and your family to thrive!


AutMentor is our mentoring programme for young people aged 7+, providing skill development and mentorship via the medium of gaming and peer connection.

Through the medium of gaming, AutMentor aims to support social challenges often faced by neurodivergent youth by offering a safe and enjoyable space for personalised mentorship by a parent with firsthand experience in supporting autistic children.

At the core of AutMentor’s ethos is the belief in creating inclusive environments that nurture growth and meaningful connections for and between neurodivergent youth. The programme is designed to empower participants to develop essential life skills, form lasting friendships, and thrive both online and offline, acknowledging the unique hurdles they may encounter in social interactions.

Gaming serves as a powerful medium for skill development and social engagement within AutMentor, leveraging popular platforms like Xbox and games such as Minecraft, Fortnite, Spiderheck, and Roblox. Through tailored gaming sessions that cater to individual preferences, participants can immerse themselves in cooperative gameplay, problem-solving tasks, and creative pursuits, fostering a sense of ownership and agency in their gaming experiences. AutMentor offers a diverse range of gaming options across various consoles to ensure every participant’s interests are accommodated, encouraging personalisation and engagement.

Iain Girvan

Transformation Coach

As a certified Coach with a background in psychology and a father of an autistic child, I founded AutSupport to address a support gap I personally experienced while navigating my son’s diagnosis.

Through personalised 1:1 coaching, I offer a safe space, grounded in the principles of growth, resilience, and wellbeing, to help caregivers empower themselves to navigate their own unique journey with strength and confidence.

Get in touch with me and let’s work together to unlock your family’s potential to thrive!

Calling all PDA Father Figures!

Iain leads a dedicated Facebook group tailored to support fathers of children and young people with a Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA) profile of autism.

This online community serves as an extension of AutSupport’s mission, enabling fathers to seek advice, exchange resources, and connect with peers navigating comparable situations. Iain’s active involvement in various dads support groups underscores his dedication to enhancing peer support and advocacy within the autism community.

Autism Support (AutSupport) is based in Wellington, New Zealand.

However, AutSupport works with families across the globe, so don’t let time zones affect your ability to connect with us.

Contact us today via iain@autsupport.nz and we will work to accommodate time differences as much as we can!

It always seems impossible until its done.

– Nelson Mandela